
Welcome to Study GuideBd. Study GuideBD is one of the best favorite sites for job searching candidates.

Here I am trying my best for candidates so that they can get their desired information. I emphasize how can easily within a short possible time candidates get their news. I always try to save their valuable time.

Who is behind on this site?

Manabendra Debnath is the founder of Stdudy GuideBD. I am a government employee and MBA under Dhaka University. I mainly publish all the content. I always try to provide genuine information for you. Actually, I collect their information from leading newspapers or genuine sources. I am working hard to be my site more informative and valuable for job searching candidates.

What is Study GuideBd?

Study GuideBd is a site where it provides candidate how to prepare themselves and publish all kind of job information circular in Bangladesh. I try to publish gunuine job information and circular in Bangladesh on Study GuideBd. Here all news of job are available for job seeker. I am sure that job seeker can easily get their information within short possible time.

What is the information of job seeker?

Sometimes i realize that brillinat students do not ger proper job for lacking of proper guideline. It is very important to use your memory and tricks. At first measure your memory and fix which job is perfect for you. Technical job in your area is easy to get. Do not miss local circular and be attention to this exam.